Problems and Prospects of Autonomous Institutions in Higher Education in North East India




A nation's development often depends on the human resource. It is the higher education that moulds the human resource of the nation. The highereducation of India also contributed to the development of the human resource for the nation. The higher education of India is a product of British Colonialism. The subsequent governments of India after independence has continued the legacy left by the British administration. The higher education in Assam in general and North east in particular has also become the product of colonial apparatus. But the nature of higher education is in a process of development, therefore it has several prospects and problems. With the development of the higher education the University Grant Commission has introduced a new system in India which is known as Autonomous Colleges. The North east India have very recently become the part of the Autonomy regulation of UGC. Autonomous institutions are those institutions who have autonomy in curriculum designing and in conducting examination without having much direction of the parent university. But the autonomous system has its own prospects and problems. The present paper will analyses the problems and prospects of autonomy in higher education in reference to the North East. The methodology adopted in the paper is essentially analytical in nature and necessary information are collected from secondary sources such as books, articles, government reports and official website of government.


Autonomy plays to Key role in the system of higher education to provide an enabling environment to improve and strengthen the teaching and learning process of our country. The autonomy concept came into existence from 1973 onwards in India, but it is a totally new moment in the educational system of north eastern region.  Autonomy in principle enables a college to develop and propose program that are considered relevant by the college, to its immediate environment as well as the country as a whole. An autonomous college will have the freedom to decide on curriculum and course of study. The teachers will study individual and social needs and based on the feedback from the institution, employs faculty, students and current status of technology will arrive at the course of study and design the curriculum in order that every student its will informed of the recent development in the discipline of his choice, is capable of self-learning, reasoning and is creative. The main thrust in an autonomous college is maintaining and promoting academic excellence among its students. A substantial qualitative development indiscipline, better staff and student interaction and higher employability are some of the key benefits of autonomy.



The essential factors for high-quality education are the calibre and attitudes of students towards learning ,the  competence and commitment of teacher towards educationalprocess  ,the flexibility  and foresightedness of the governance system and the social credibility of the educational outcome .The  autonomy is  expected to provide a better frame work for fostering these  factors then the affiliation system with all its  constraining conditions hanging as a dead weight on the higher education system.

The successful implementation of the concept of autonomy requires willing and honest.

Participation of the students, teachers and management in the education process .They should be riling to stand up to intense security of their role of autonomy .A system of academic audit at every step of the implementation of the concept of autonomy should be acceptable to all condensed parties.


            In the rapidly changing teaching-learning environment, an autonomous system can facilitate much needed innovations such as inter-disciplinary programmes, inter –institutional ring of academic loads, transfer of credits between different modes of learning.



1.     To determine its own courses of study and syllabus.

2.     To   prescribe    rules admission subject to the reservation policy of the state governments.

3.     To evolve methods of evolution and to conduct examination.

4.     To achieve higher standards and greaten creativity.

5.     To promote national integration.  

6.     To ensure accountability of the institution and its member.

Thus to establish a goal oriented performance appraisal system in educational institutional.

1.03 -Methodology:

       This present study is based on Secondary data. They have been collected from books, journals, news-letter,

Etc. published at different times by the academicians and institutions.



2.00- Autonomy of Higher Education:

The system of higher education plays a key role in the realization of India’s extra ordinary potential and aspirations for economic and technological development. Precisely because of this potential and its implications for individual advancement, there is greater awareness and an extra ordinary demand for higher education among the youth. While evolving new directions for higher education and strengthening its quality and relevance, a new concept of autonomy come into existence.

 The concept of autonomy is a radical departure from the existing affiliating system to selfGovernance.

It is a structural solution intended mainly to provide an enabling environment to improve and strengthen the teaching and learning process. So there is a need to look upon the prospect, challenges, benefits and problems of autonomy in the system of higher education.


1.04- Strengths of ideal autonomy are:

   1. Innovations. 

   2. Experimentation.

   3. Expansion and maximization of potentials.

   4. Quality improvement.

   5. Social relevant.

   6. Full involvement of teachers in the entire system.

   7.  Confidence building between students and teachers.

   8. Transparency in teaching and evaluation.

   9. Increased scope for educational reforms.

  10. Speedy implementations of programmes.



Foreign students when surveyed for what is the mode of information about the Indian universities, they have rated the options as follow; (I) Friends (35%), (ii) senior/present/ex-student of Indian University who belongs to their native country (22%), (iii) Government (21%), (iv) Internet (11%), (v) Indian embassies in their country (6%) and (vi) Newspaper (5%). All of these acts as a mode of information for the foreign students about the Indian universities and most effective are their friends.

It is indicative from the study that India should pay more attention and take more steps towards the Internationalization of higher education. The correlation technique used to co-relate the findings from academicians and the foreign students with different backgrounds, experience, context and probably points of views finds that there exists a high positive correlation, hence strengthening the view that India must pay more attention and take more steps towards the internationalization of higher education. And with the introduction of new courses, which fulfil the present demand at international level, will help to increase the number of foreign students. These courses are courses of yoga, bio-informatics, computational biology, nanotechnology, biotechnology, and mathematical science to be introduced in Indian universities to attract more number of foreign students. Other courses suggested are courses in cyber-laws, Hinduism, tourism, chemical engineering, IT and other niche market oriented courses as per the demand.

Strengthapparent in the present system of autonomy is:

1. Own curriculum and syllabus.

2. Self independence.

3. Developing of infrastructure.

4. Feedback facility.

5. Time specific and professional curriculum is included. 

6. Administration power will develop.

7. A close relationship between teachers and students.

8.Will facility of examination as well as Recall.




A few educational institutions in north east India have already begun to exploit the exports opportunity in education.

Indian Higher Education system does not create conducive environment for internationalization of its higher educational services. North east India is also receiving very less number of foreign students when compared to the

Developed countries like U.K., china, Nepal, to which India is one of the major source country of foreign students. The reasons cited for the fewer turnovers of the foreign students in India as per the academicians are

Mentioned below rating wise:


(I) Poor quality transport & residential facilities:

 Lack of the infrastructure facilities has been cited as a main reason for fewer turnovers of foreign students in north east India. In north east India does not have any world-class transport facilities. The other train and bus facilities are hugely crowded, unlikely any other developed nation. Residential facilities provided to the foreign students are also not good. There does not exist any international standard.

Accommodations where no formal help comes from the universities. They have to arrange it on their own where they can be easily exploited in terms of money and facilities with no guarantee of security.


(ii) Lack of financial assistance:

No scheme of financial assistance is available to the foreign students from the university or thegovernment of India and state government. The students sponsored byGovernment of India under different culturalschemes pay nominal fee at par with an Indianstudent. Otherwise the students are financed bytheir respective governments or self supporting.


(iii) Regulatory and bureaucratic hurdles:

There are lots of regulatory and bureaucratichurdles in the admission procedure of foreignstudents from different countries as per thepolicy of Government of India and stat government towards thosenations.

(iv)Lack of Brand equity/Low market linkages in the international market:

With the exception of few good institutes inIndia, other Indian universities and courses does not have a brand value, which is acceptedinternationally. And because Indian highereducation system does not have market linkagesin the international market.


(v)Complicated & paper based hurdles duringadmission:

During the admission procedures lots of paperwork is required without proper communicationdue to which it takes very long for foreignstudents to get admission in the university.Admission procedure as indicated by foreignstudents is neither easy nor tough. It is average.


(vi)Lots of administrative guidelines:

There are lots of Do’s and Don’ts in theadministrative guidelines, for staying in thehostel, for studying a course.


(vii) Ineffective career placement/low industryparticipation in education:

Since northEast Indian higher education does not havegood market linkages internationally, the careerplacement of these foreign students is noteffective. Infact, there is no career placement forthese foreign students in India. During the courseof study also, Industry participation is veryminiscule or not at all. Theoretical part of thecourse does not get the practical approach.

. Students have recommended courses withspecialization in Information technology, Agriculture,forensic science, maritime, photography, domesticscience, International Marketing, Management Information System, Bachelor courses in Managementand Computers. They also don't support the annualexamination structure. They recommend for the semester system in all the courses.

2.01-Weakness apparent in the present system of autonomy is:

1.Autonomy is discrete mostly for colleges and not for all higher education institutions.

2. Approval Process is still time consuming.

3. Universities presently don’t have complete academic, administrative and financial autonomy and are governed by the state agencies.

4. Man power deficits affect the efficiency of the system.

5. Infrastructura short comings.

6. Implementation obstacles financial crunch faced by the autonomous institutions.

7. Systemic weakness where management do not support autonomy. 

8. Apprahensions among teacher about salary and stability.

9. Apprahensions among students.

    10. Insufficientpowers, inthe rent or delegated to the heads of higher education institutions.



3.00-The merits and demerit of autonomous ship and higher education:

 The eight states of north eastern India is not considered as a developing state in the field of education and other events. As compare to that of India. there is a considerable change in the field of education in last two centuries .the infrastructure of higher education institute has been improved and two colleges has been affiliated with autonomous status .but from the state statistical point of view it is not any satisfactory .


             The establishment of professional higher educational institution and the results can bring a certain positive impact.


 The name of the two autonomous collages of north east is:


                 A. patkai Christian college, demapur

                 B. North lakhimpur college (estd: 1952)


3.01-Advantage of autonomous:

   There is a significant necessity of autonomous in higher education institute.

The importance of autonomy cannot be underestimated in overall  development of the institute .the autonomy has succeed to start a revolution in educational institute which  are incorporated with the IIT ,ITI engineering  college, low college etc.


Many educational institute have all ready got autonomous status in India and as compare to the other institutional, they are able to sow extra ordinary results.

 North east has able to gat benefit of autonomy so lately .It is necessary to mention at the beginning that north eastern region has only two such institution which doing their best in the field of education though it is not sufficient enough to fulfil to meet the demand of education in north east.


North East is economically backward.  The infrastructure facility cannot be compare or complete with national level. Huge amount of students has got the opportunities to study in this type of college depending upon their quality &quantity.



A.    Owncurriculum.

B.     Well facility of examination as well as recall.

C.     Feed back.

D.    Time specific and professional curriculums are included.

E.     Administration power well developed.

F.     A close relationship between teachers & students.

G.    Development of infrastructure.

H.     Development of teaching technique.




Every action has an equal opposite reaction. There is disadvantage as well as advantage in autonomy. But there is a provision of transforming the disadvantages to advantage.       

Autonomy is succeed to bring a big change in higher education but this system is only limited in the college and universities and other higher education this system should be applied.

If the Autonomy is given other high education institutes experimentally there will be a possibility of big changed in education .head of the autonomous institute is not an experienced or true man than there will be downfall to the institute. 

The autonomous college must have ideal teachers so that other teacher follows their ideology. Because this types of educational institute can be compared with universities.

In north eastern reason there is not so sufficient autonomous college, so the students who have interest and quality are deprived from this.

 However, the credit system, how it will be applied in other institution is not confirm that how they accept them.

There is a problem with autonomy that someone wants to blame it from the heavy load of syllabus and also the syllabus is not clean enough for the students sostudents are feeling many problems.


4.00-Following are some suggestions to make Higher Education in the state more effective & meaningful:

1. Up gradation of government colleges, autonomous colleges, colleges with potential for excellence &agreedaccredited colleges by NAAC, as Universities

2. Promotion of relevant education by introducing vocational and skill-based courses is essential.

3. Many students as well as professionals leave the state in search of better opportunities which leads to brain

Drain. This calls for an urgent effort to promote policy and institutional reforms in education for both Govt. & Private institutions to improve the quality and skills.

4. Grant of autonomy to select number of colleges based on their performance record to facilitate innovations And flexibility in the curriculum.

 5. Government should encourage and permit to set up more professional and technical institutions in the state. In this aspect, Assam is lagging far behind rest of the country.

 6. Insufficient funds and non-release of funds on time are the problems being faced by the state universities. The state government should provide sufficient financial assistance to those universities and release the funds on time.

7. Development of infrastructural and other facilities of existing institutions of higher learning in order to improve the quality of teaching-learning process as also enhance the intake capacity thereof.



A.    By launching autonomy in the professional curriculum the student have gain knowledge which make them eligible   for their establishments.

B.     North east India rich in natural resource so if these resources are utilize scientifically .so there is provisions for new courses which can be introduce in colleges.

C.     The social problems subject related to education can de researched scientifically and crack    solution in a well sequenced manner.

D.    Higher education can provide high degree.

5.00-Some welcome steps taken by the State Government/ UGC so far-

1. Cotton College State University was set up in 2011 through an Act of the Assam Government.

2. 4 year B.E/ B.Tech, M.Tech in campus courses introduced in Gauhati University in 2009.

3. North Lakhimpur College was granted the status of an autonomous college in 2013 by UGC. The college is The first in the state to attain this status.

4. In order to make the state's curriculum compatible with the current job scenario, the State Govt has announced. To introduce two vocational subjects in all the existing colleges by providing 3 nos. of sanctioned posts for eachsubject.

5. A special scheme was launched by the State Govt. in 2013 to set up digital classrooms and digital libraries In Universities and in about 200 colleges in phased manner. Under this scheme, digital lecture studios wouldBe developed in Gauhati and Dibrugarh University.

6. The State Govt. has proposed to set up one agricultural college at Dhuburi district and one engineering college in Barak valley.



5.01-As an example of autonomous institute overall discussion on north Lakhimpur College:

                 North Lakhimpur College has got the autonomy status in the year 2012. It is good news for the higher education in Assam. It can be said that this college after receiving the status have done well in last 2 years and going in a right successful direction. For example 2 new courses are introduce this college like MA (ass, electronics) and BPED



  Overall only the positive aspects of the autonomy are reflected in our mind. We are confident that this two autonomous higher education institute can bring a positive change and will play a big role in education. This two institute has to try hard to return or upgrade their status. We have to focus on developing the member of this autonomous college in North East India. If its comes true then every instituted of higher education work autonomously.



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11. http//

@Bhaskar Bhuyan, Research Scholar, Gauhati University 


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